Choose your hiring options

Last updated on April 3, 2024

The best staffing option considers both the current and future business needs of your organization and the BC Public Service.

For details on staffing approvals, review the hiring approval process.

On this page


Choose an option that saves time and resources in the long run, to ensure the availability of staff for the work that needs to be done now and in the future.

Consider a broader range of options for greater staffing efficiency and flexibility and address important issues such as:

  • Employee growth and development
  • Succession planning
  • Skill shortages.

Your staffing needs and hiring options


To fill positions quickly

Consider appointing from an eligibility list or choose from options such as:


A position that is common to your ministry or a number of ministries

Consider working with other branches or ministries to conduct joint recruitment efforts. Refer to Long-term staffing options for more information on Collaborative Postings and other hiring options. 


Recurring vacancies

Consider using a process to create an inventory of applicants that can be accessed immediately.

This saves time, is proactive and prevents the need for multiple staffing actions.


An occupation where there is a prediction of future skills shortages

Consider options that may allow you to 'grow' and develop less-experienced applicants.

For example:


Short-term project work

Consider a temporary or auxiliary appointment or a project employee when the work is time limited.

This is a way to fill a short-term need especially in areas of skill shortages.


Staffing Options

Next steps

Once you have an idea of an option that might work best for your situation, find out how to get the job posted for a competition or contact us for more details and assistance with your next steps.