Personal income tax rates

Publication date: January 15, 2024

B.C. personal income tax rates apply to specific tax brackets. A tax bracket is a range of annual taxable income. Income past a certain point is taxed at a higher rate. The tax brackets are indexed each year to the Consumer Price Index for B.C. (BC CPI).

For the 2024 tax year, the tax brackets were increased from the previous year by a BC CPI rate of 5.0%.

Personal income tax brackets and rates - 2024 tax year

2024 Personal income tax brackets and rates
Taxable income bracket Tax rate
$0 to $47,937 5.06%
$47,937.01 to $95,875 7.70%
$95,875.01 to $110,076 10.50%
$110,076.01 to $133,664 12.29%
$133,664.01 to $181,232 14.70%
$181,232.01 to $252,752 16.80%
Over $252,752 20.50%

Tax rates are applied on a cumulative basis. For example, if your taxable income is more than $47,937, the first $47,937 of taxable income is taxed at 5.06%, the next $47,938 of taxable income is taxed at 7.70%, the next $14,201 of taxable income is taxed at 10.50%, the next $23,588 of taxable income is taxed at 12.29%, the next $47,568 of taxable income is taxed at 14.70%, the next $71,520 is taxed at 16.80%, and any income above $252,752 is taxed at 20.50%.

Personal income tax brackets and rates - 2023 tax year

2023 Personal income tax brackets and rates
Taxable income bracket Tax rate
$0 to $45,654 5.06%
$45,654.01 to $91,310 7.70%
$91,310.01 to $104,835 10.50%
$104,835.01 to $127,299 12.29%
$127,299.01 to $172,602 14.70%
$172,602.01 to $240,716 16.80%
Over $240,716 20.50%

Alternative minimum tax

If you're subject to minimum tax under the federal Income Tax Act, you're also subject to B.C. minimum tax. The B.C. minimum tax is calculated as a percentage of your federal minimum tax and is currently 33.7%.

Personal income tax credits

Learn more about basic tax credits available to individuals. 

Corporate income tax rates

For provincial income tax information for businesses and corporations, see the corporate income tax page.

Contact information

Contact the Canada Revenue Agency with your questions about income tax or for assistance in completing your income tax return. 

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