Provincial policing standards

Last updated on March 25, 2024

The Police Act allows government to create binding standards on police and to evaluate the compliance of police with those standards.

For other information relating to policing standards and evaluations, see Addenda – Supplemental Policy Directives.

1. Use of force

1.1 Firearms

1.2 Intermediate Weapons and Restraints

1.3 Conducted Energy Weapons (CEWs)

1.4 Police Service Dogs

1.5 Use of Force Techniques

1.6 Intentionally left blank

1.7 Reporting and Investigation

1.8 Intentionally left blank

1.9 Use-of-Force Model

2. Training for police officers

2.1 Recruit and Advanced Training

2.2 Exemptions

2.3 Appeals

3. Training Courses and Development

3.1 Intentionally Left Blank

3.2 Provincially Approved Training Courses

4. Equipment and Facilities

4.1 Video Surveillance Recording in Police Buildings

4.2 Equipment

5. Specialized investigations

5.1 Missing Person Investigations

5.2 Major Case Management

5.3. Inter-Agency Cooperation and Coordination

5.4 Sexual Assault Investigations

6. Promotion of Unbiased Policing

6.1 Community Partnerships and Equitable Policing

6.2 Police Stops

Addenda – Supplemental Policy Directives

Interim Continuation of Policing Standards Established by the Former British Columbia Police Commission (BCPC)

Police Pursuits