
Last updated on January 23, 2023

ePayments is a Pre-Authorized Debit system, which became mandatory in 2010.  All annual petroleum and natural gas tenure payments,  including primary term, continuation and extension payments, must be made online through ePayments.  Refunds are also issued through ePayments and credited to your company’s account.   Payments accompanying written applications to continue tenures are also made through ePayments by creating and paying a Submission. 

Tenure holders must use ePayments to make tenure payments and are responsible for making payments on or before the anniversary date of their tenure[s] and for assigning and maintaining a Payor for each tenure.  The Province does not issue invoices or otherwise provide expiry notices.  Statements are available at all times through ePayments and Designated Payors and Owners are encouraged to view ePayments often to compare their records.

To obtain access to ePayments, companies must first obtain a Business BCeID [www.bceid.ca], appoint two BCeID Profile Managers; appoint an ePayments Company Administrator and backup User; submit signed, original ‘Fee and Rental PAD’ and ‘Direct Deposit for Refunds’ forms, authorizing the Province to Debit/Credit their account; and obtain training through online tutorials or through one of CAPLA’s “BC ePayments” training sessions.

Please forward all enquiries to png.epayments@gov.bc.ca.


The provincial government designed ePayments with considerable input from industry in order to make the new system as user-friendly as possible.

  • Primary Term payments are mandatory effective July 1, 2009
  • Continuation payments are mandatory effective October 1, 2009
  • Online Refunds are mandatory effective October 1, 2010

To sign onto ePayments using your unique, corporate BCeID user name and password log on to the website https://epayments.gov.bc.ca.

How to obtain a corporate BCeID

  • Have your ePayments Company Administrator log on to www.bceid.ca, the BC government portal to all online systems, or contact your company’s BCeID Profile Manager for a username and password
  • to find out if your company has a Corporate BCeID and who your Profile Manager is, go to www.bceid.ca and choose Is My Business Already Registered

Information for Clients

Information for Data Vendors

Contact information

Tenure and Resource Stewardship Branch