Tree seed legislation and standards

Last updated on March 12, 2024

Both provincial and federal legislation govern seed use in British Columbia.

Province of British Columbia

Chief Forester's Standards for Seed Use
B.C.'s chief forester established the Chief Forester's Standards for Seed Use in accordance with the Forest and Range Practices Act and its regulations. Collectively, these standards maintain the identity, adaptability, diversity and productivity of the province's tree gene resources.

Forest and Range Practices Act
"Tree seed" is defined under the Forest and Range Practices Act as any part of a forest tree represented, sold or used to grow a plant. The Forest and Range Practices Act regulations require people to keep records and planting maps identifying the tree seeds and where they have been planted. Reporting requirements are described in other sections of these regulations.

Government of Canada

Seeds Act
This Act and its regulations govern the testing, inspection, quality and sale of seeds. The Seeds Act also applies to seed derived through biotechnology, including plants with novel traits (which includes genetically modified organisms).

Plant Protection Act
The purpose of this Act and it regulations is to protect Canadian plant life and the agricultural and forestry sectors by preventing the importation, exportation and spread of pests, and by controlling or eradicating pests in Canada.

Questions about these federal regulations, including the import and export of tree seed and seedlings to, from and within Canada should be directed to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

Contact information

To find out more about tree seed in B.C., please email us.