
Last updated on February 8, 2024

The Medicare Protection Act allows the MSC to delegate some powers and duties to advisory committees established to assist the Commission in effectively carrying out its function. Recommendations of advisory committees are not binding; the MSC retains the authority to make final decisions.

Advisory Committee on Diagnostic Facilities

The Advisory Committee on Diagnostic Facilities (ACDF) consists of representatives from the Doctors of BC, the Ministry of Health, and public MSP beneficiaries.  The ACDF reviews applications from facilities seeking approval to perform and bill the MSP for outpatient diagnostic services including radiology, ultrasound, and polysomnography. 

Audit and Inspection Committee

The Audit and Inspection Committee (AIC) is comprised of four members appointed by the MSC. These include a physician Chair representing Government; a physician representative nominated by the Doctors of BC; and two public representatives, one of whom is a physician nominated by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC. The AIC approves audits of medical practitioners’ services and billing practices, reviews all audit reports, and makes recommendations to the MSC regarding whether to pursue the recovery of funds and/or de-enrolment under the Medicare Protection Act.

Requisition Committee

The Requisition Committee, established in 1997, is a joint committee of the Doctors of BC and the Ministry of Health. This committee is on hold pending further review.

Guidelines and Protocols Advisory Committee

The Guidelines and Protocols Advisory Committee (GPAC) is made up of representatives from the Doctors of BC and the Ministry of Health. GPAC was established to oversee the development and promotion of guidelines and protocols to support high quality, appropriate patient care. These guidelines and protocols are published under the brand name of and made accessible online.

Patterns of Practice Committee

On behalf of the MSC, the Patterns of Practice Committee (POPC) reviews, informs and educates physicians in regard to their pattern of practice and billings. The POPC has several main functions, which include:

  • education: to encourage appropriate patterns of practice and billing which can include general education sessions;
  • discussions with Sections regarding findings from recent audits and educational letters;
  • producing the annual Mini Profile for all Fee for Service Physicians;
  • providing a forum for physicians who wish to raise concerns about the audit process (Post Audit);
  • nominating Medical Inspectors to the AIC and nominating Physician Hearing Panel members to the MSC;
  • communicating with the MSC and other committees regarding policy issues and issues related to the MSC Payment Schedule;
  • additional tasks as identified by the Ministry of Health (MoH), the MSC and/or The Physician Master Agreement (PMA)

Reference Committee

The Reference Committee reviews billing disputes between MSP and physicians regarding services rendered under the MSC Payment Schedule and makes recommendations to resolve these disputes. Membership is limited to representatives of the Doctors of BC.