Finding a residential care facility

Last updated on November 7, 2022

A complete list of licensed residential care facilities can be found on health authority community care licensing inspection websites.  You will also be able to view summary information regarding inspections and complaint investigations. Visit your local health authority inspection page: 

Inspection reports will NOT:

  • Recommend a facility to you;
  • Rank or rate facilities against one another;
  • Issue a report card that grades facilities;
  • Provide personal information about persons in care;
  • Provide specific details of the complaint; or,
  • Provide information about complaints that were not substantiated.

It is important not to draw conclusions about the quality of a facility based only on the information contained in the inspection report or the number or type of substantiated complaints. Before making a decision about a facility, take time to make sure you have enough information by, conducting additional research and visiting the facility.

If the facility you were looking for is not on the list, it may be due one of the following:

  • They may not be required to be licensed as only 1 or 2 persons are receiving care, or the location is independent house/supportive living, which is not regulated. 
  • They may be registered Assisted Living, see Finding Assisted Living.
  • They may be operating in contravention of the Community Care and Assisted Living Act because they are operating without a licence when one is required.