Service plan instructions for crown corporations

Last updated on September 18, 2023

Each Crown Corporation must issue a three-year service plan, outlining their strategic priorities for the organization and how they relate to B.C. government's strategic plan (PDF).

Writing & submission

The service plan template outlines the necessary requirements for a service plan.

The service plan guidelines provide instructions for completing the service plan to meet reporting and accountability requirements.

Service plans must be approved by the public sector organization’s board and responsible minister and then made public in the manner outlined in the guidelines.


Crown corporation service plans are posted online.

Please visit the following places to find other service plan reports:

Information Requirements Calendar

Learn about the planning and reporting deadlines for Crown corporations throughout the year.

Current Plans & Reports

See current mandate letters, services plans and annual reports for Crown corporations.

Contact information

For more information about this process, contact the Crown Agencies and Board Resourcing Office.