308 - Communications, Publications, General

Last updated on July 24, 2024

Records relating to ministry/agency-created publications not shown elsewhere in this primary block. This primary covers publication production, control, pricing, and distribution.

Records types include correspondence, forms, lists, and reports.

For accounts receivable, see primary 935.
For copyright, see primary 345.

non-OPR NOTE: Offices will retain non-OPR copies of records for SO nil DE

Primary-Secondary Records Series OPR
308-00 Policy and procedures SO nil DE
308-01 General CY+2y nil DE
308-07 Publication distribution lists and summaries
(covers publication distribution summaries and distribution lists)
SO = when replaced by new list or summary, and when no longer required for reference purposes
SO nil DE
308-20 Chargeable publication requests
7y = The retention period is consistent with the retention period for related accounts receivable records
NOTE: Alternatively for administrative convenience, chargeable publication requests may be classified with accounts receivable records under secondary 935-20.
FY+1y 6y DE
308-30 Non-chargeable publication requests
SO = upon completion of request
SO nil DE
308-40 Publication control and pricing files
(covers request to commit funds [STOB40 planning], publication initiation forms, publication inventory, publication pricing, and ministry publication listing)
FY+2y nil DE

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