Scams and Fraud

Last updated on February 20, 2019

Learning about common types of scams and fraud can help you protect yourself by knowing how to respond in a questionable situation. Scammers may try to steal your identity to access your bank accounts or run up debts in your name. They may ask for money outright, as in charity scams or investment fraud. They may even pretend to be a family member who needs cash right away.

Once you have lost money in a scam, it may be impossible to get it back, even after you report the scam. The best defence is to educate yourself and avoid becoming a victim.

Common Scams

Educate yourself about common scams using the following resources.

Be Internet Aware

Scams, fraud, and identity theft often take place on the internet or through email. Make internet safety a personal priority.

To help you protect yourself online, review:

More Scams and Fraud Resources

This program helps people work together to prevent crime in their neighbourhoods. See their:


It’s important to be aware of scams that target older people, such as:

Investments and Purchases

Whether you’re investing money or making a purchase, you may have concerns about the company you’re dealing with. For tips on avoiding trouble, see: