Make a Complaint About a Licensed Day Care Facility

Last updated on January 23, 2020

If you are concerned about the health, safety or well-being of a child in a licensed child day care facility, please make a complaint immediately.

If you have already brought your concerns to the attention of the facility and its manager, but think that they have not addressed your concerns, please also contact your local Health Authority Community Care Facility Licensing Program to discuss your concern.

The information you provide is valuable to licensing officers and helps them  ensure a healthy and safe environment in all licensed facilities.

Who to Contact

There are a number of ways to make a complaint about a facility.  You do not have to give your name to make a complaint.

  1. You can call Service BC and ask to be connected to your health authority's Community Care Facility Licensing Program.

Vancouver: 604-660-2421
Victoria: 250-387-6121
Toll Free within Canada and USA: 1-800-663-7867
Outside of Canada/USA: 604-660-2421

  1. You can mail, email, fax or visit your local Community Care Facility Licensing Program:

Complaint Process

Generally, once a complaint is received:

  • The licensing officer will determine if your complaint falls under the scope of the Community Care and Assisted Living Act.
  • If your complaint is under the scope of the Act, an investigation will be conducted
  • The facility will be told there is a complaint and given an opportunity to correct the situation. (Note: Licensing does not reveal the name of someone who makes a complaint if anonymity is requested)
  • If the investigation reveals non-compliance with the Act or its regulations, the facility will be required to correct the situation and ensure future compliance
  • You will not automatically be provided with the outcome of the investigation; however, you may request a summary

Your complaint will be handled as quickly as possible. Some complaints can be resolved with in a matter of days. Other complaints may take longer if they are complex.

Some complaints, may involve other agencies, such as the Ministry of Children and Family Development or the RCMP.

Privacy Protection

Community Care Facility Licensing does not reveal the name or personal information of someone who makes a complaint.

However, if the investigation results in action taken against the facility licensee or if the issue is taken to the Community Care and Assisted Living Appeal Board or is handled as a criminal matter, information or documents you supply may be used and may become public information.