Data, Monitoring & Quality Assurance for Child or Family Services

The provincial government is committed to providing quality service to children, teens, families and communities. Find detailed information related to service delivery for these areas.

Services and information topics

Client Rights & Responsibilities

When you enter into a relationship or partnership with the Ministry of Children and Family Development, you should know what your rights and responsibilities are.

If you have questions, you can speak to a worker.

If you're not satisfied with services or actions by the Ministry of Children and Family Development, you can report a complaint.

Find services

A variety of child, teen, and family services are available throughout the province.  Search to find more information about the services closest to you.

Make a complaint

If you're not satisfied with services or actions by the Ministry of Children and Family Development, you can report a complaint.

Reporting & monitoring

The Ministry of Children and Family Development actively monitors and reports on its efforts in providing child and family services in order to improve accountability and transparency.

Information for service providers

Find support designed for individuals and organizations who contract services to the Ministry of Children and Family Development.