Union leave recovery process

Last updated on April 3, 2024

Follow these steps to submit invoices to the BC General Employees Union (BCGEU) and Professional Employees Association Union (PEA) to recover an employee's time attending union meetings/business.

Information on crediting branches for leave taken and receiving remittance cheques from the union is also included.

Step Action Responsibility Explanation of action
1 Initiate union request form Employee and union The union will issue an Application for Union Business Leave (UBL) form to employees who are required to attend union meetings/business. The employee obtains supervisory approval on the form.

Enter leave in Time and Leave

Employee and supervisor Employee to enter leave in Time and Leave and Supervisor to approve. Use Leave Code Recoverable Union Leave. If not on Time and Leave, employee fills out leave management form and gets supervisor to approve.
3 Forwarding forms Employee and supervisor

Employee/supervisor sends confirmation copy of attendance to union. Employee/supervisor sends UBL form to appropriate area of responsibility in ministry, not to TELUS or AskMyHR/PSA.

4 Run union report Ministry area responsible Using PS Reporting, run the Reporting Query 1 Sal Recovery Union Lve BU on a minimum quarterly basis. The report will show both BCGEU and PEA employees.*
5 Reconcile union leave Ministry area responsible Match the UBL form to the entries on the report. Each period of time must be accounted for. In cases where forms are missing or the information on the forms do not match the report, check Time and Leave and liaise with the program area contact for resolution.
6 Prepare and send invoice Ministry area responsible

Prepare the invoice to be mailed to each union office:

  • BCGEU: 4911 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC V5G 3W3
  • PEA: Suite 505 – 1207 Douglas St. Victoria, BC V8W 2E7

Each invoice will have the following documentation attached: Copy of CHIPS report with UBL forms. Photocopy the forms, invoice and report as they will be required for JVs.

7 Complete and process JV Ministry area responsible Process the JV to credit the branch, using the accounts receivable (AR) account as the corresponding debit (1289). Some ministries may only do this at fiscal year end. (See Step 9.) Check with your ministry's financial department for AR instructions.
8 Receive remittance Ministry area responsible Union office will send cheque. Write the account coding (ministry accounts receivable STOB 1289 account) on the cheque stub, photocopy the cheque for file, then give the cheque and copy of invoice to AR for deposit. For ministries that only set up an AR at fiscal year end, complete and process JV crediting branch.
9 Documentation Ministry area responsible Original JV and copies of backup to Accounts. Copy of JV and copies of backup for ministry's appropriate areas of responsibility.

* The report applies to the period in which the leave was recorded not taken. The report will show the leave transactions, from Time and Leave, in the pay period that the leave was taken. LMT's will show in the pay period that the LMT was processed. At fiscal year end, the leave entries may be for old fiscal and new fiscal. If the benefit chargeback has changed for the new fiscal, the benefit amount on the spreadsheet will have to be manually recalculated for whichever fiscal year benefit chargeback was not used as criteria on the CHIPS report.

Refer to the PeopleSoft Help page for Payroll Deduction Rates (IDIR restricted). This includes the benefits chargeback rate and is updated each fiscal year.