Public Reporting

Last updated on August 3, 2017

The government believes that public reporting is important because it will strengthen public accountability and transparency.

Ministry of Health Annual Reports

Each year, the Ministry of Health reports on its annual service plan to outline the ministry’s progress in achieving its goals and the health care system’s performance in the delivery of high quality, patient-centred care to British Columbians in every region of the province.

Facility and Residence Reports

The ministry posts substantiated complaint reports for assisted living residences registered under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act and summary inspection reports for residential care facilities licensed under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act or licensed or designated under the Hospital Act.

For more information, see:

Residential Care Rate Reinvestment Report

Following the implementation of a revised client rate structure for residential care services in 2010, government required health authorities to reinvest any additional revenues from the revised client rates to improve B.C.'s residential care services. Changes to the residential care client rates were implemented over a two year period.

Health authorities have provided detailed reporting on their reinvestments for the two-year period, which include increased residential care staffing, as well as investments in education, specialized services, and equipment. Over 2010/11 and 2011/12, health authorities reported investing a total of $85.62 million of additional revenues from the revised client rate structure. 

Residential Care Staffing Review

This review by Parliamentary Secretary Darryl Plecas examines residential care services in British Columbia. It provides recommendations to help meet current and future population needs for residential care services.

Concerns and Complaints

There are a number of ways to report and resolve concerns and complaints about home and community care services. For instructions and contact information, see: