Information for Drivers

Last updated on April 16, 2024

As a Taxi Driver you need to understand the rights of taxi passengers:

  • A driver may not refuse service to a customer based on the length of trip (unless it is too close to the end of their shift, based on National Safety Code hours of service, in which case the passenger may ask the driver to contact dispatch to send another taxi), or proposed method of payment (unless the passenger is attempting to pay by a method of payment not accepted by company policy)Human rights law protects against discrimination based on a number of things, including race, religion, physical disability, sex or sexual orientation.
  • Drivers may not ask a passenger to pay more than the displayed fare, and drivers cannot require a passenger to pay cash if they prefer to pay by credit card and the taxi company accepts the credit card. Most taxi companies in Metro Vancouver currently participate in the TaxiSaver program, and TaxiSaver vouchers are intended to be accepted by drivers just like cash.
  • Passengers may need assistance entering or exiting the taxi, and storing items. Taxi drivers may not add charges to the fare for handling luggage. WorkSafe BC provides useful information on preventing injuries caused by heavy luggage.
  • Disabled persons have the right to travel by taxi with a certified assistance dog that sits on the floor and is held by a leash or harness. Assistance dogs include guide dogs for the visually impaired and service dogs for people with other disabilities. Portable mobility aids are designed to collapse for easy transport and can be accommodated in a regular taxi, without the need for an accessible taxi.
  • Municipalities have vehicle bylaws to protect the health of the driver and passengers. Smoking is not permitted in taxis, as they are considered enclosed workplaces. As the driver, it is your responsibility to respect that, and to ensure your passengers do, too.
  • If a passenger does not request a specific route, it is the driver’s responsibility to determine the most economical route, taking into account current road and traffic conditions.
  • Please respect the passenger’s wishes if they would prefer not to listen to music or news on the radio.
  • If a customer requests a receipt, the receipt should include information such as taxi company, taxi number and driver name, if requested.

As a Taxi Driver you must obey all laws and have the right to refuse to transport a passenger:

  • To avoid contravening a law or condition of licence
    A taxi driver must obey all applicable laws, like posted speed limits and no-stopping zones, as well as comply with all conditions of licence, such as passenger pick-up zones.
  • To protect your, or any passenger’s, health or safety
    A driver’s personal safety is important. If you believe you may be in danger, you have the right to refuse transportation. If you believe a passenger’s health or safety may be at risk (e.g. an unsafe destination), you may refuse to transport. In case of an emergency, or if you believe a crime is being committed, call 911.
  • If the passenger is acting in an offensive manner
    You may refuse to transport passengers who are smoking, conducting themselves in a disorderly manner, using profane or offensive language, or are acting in such a manner as to be offensive to the driver or other passengers.
  • If the passenger refuses to provide a deposit if requested
    To provide assurance that the fare will be paid, a driver may ask the passenger for a deposit, up to a reasonable estimate of the fare. The deposit can be made in any manner that is normally accepted by the company.