Mineral Titles: Reserve Request Process & Forms

Last updated on February 3, 2022

Information about Reserves 

Before submitting a request, please read the following:


Along with the completed request form (PDF), maps and/or digital shape files must be submitted with the pertinent supporting information outlined in  Section 3 of the form.

Please send form to the attention of: 
Mineral Lands Administrator
to the Vancouver Office

Alternatively, requests may be sent by email with an attached PDF to: Mineral.Titles@gov.bc.ca. Please include a subject line of "Request for Reserve".

Review Process

When a reserve is requested, the Ministry, as well as the land planner for the appropriate region, reviews the content and proposed area.

A review is not required where a protocol agreement exists since the review is conducted by the designated agency prior to an application being submitted (e.g. Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation for Treaty Settlement Lands or Inter-Agency Management Committees for regional land plans).

The acceptance of a request for a reserve does not in any way guarantee that the reserve will be granted. The requestor should be aware that the request may be denied due to considerations such as mineral potential, the need for multiple land use capability in the area, or another pre-existing use of the land.

There is no set timeline for the establishment of a reserve.  The length of time it may take from the submission of a request to a decision on whether to establish a reserve will depend on both the complexity of the request and its relative priority with regard to interests of the Province.

There is no recording fee, and a free miner certificate is not required to submit a reserve request.