Innovative Clean Energy Solutions

Last updated on October 22, 2021

Innovative clean energy solutions are critical to meeting British Columbia’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets and are important contributors to serving other clean energy and environmental interests both locally and abroad. 

In 2007, the Government of British Columbia introduced and enacted climate-action legislation that framed British Columbia’s approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and in transitioning the Province towards a low-carbon economy. However, more needs to be done as mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change has become our new reality, requiring a concerted and sustained global effort.

An effective legislated tool that supports innovative clean energy solutions, the Innovative Clean Energy (ICE) Fund Special Account is assisting the Province in meeting its energy, economic, environmental and greenhouse gas reduction priorities across the province. The ICE Fund Special Account legislation was established under section 9.5 of the Special Accounts Appropriation and Control Act.

While the original mandate of the ICE Fund was to support the commercialization of emerging clean energy technologies, the ICE Fund is now being applied in a more comprehensive manner within its legislated framework to support a wider range of projects and programs that can benefit all British Columbians.

Innovative Clean Energy (ICE) Fund
Image of the University of B.C.'s clean energy building on a snowy hill with white smoke puffing from the top

The ICE Fund is a special account designed to support the province's energy, economic, environmental, and greenhouse gas reduction priorities, and to advance B.C.'s clean energy sector.