BCAB #1597 - Egress / Exiting from Multi Level Residential Suites, Sentences,, and (9)

Last updated on March 24, 2016

February 24, 2004

BCAB #1597

Re: Egress / Exiting from Multi Level Residential Suites, Sentences,, and (9)

Project Description

The subject is a sprinklered multiple suite residential building constructed under Article The fourth and fifth storeys contain only twelve two level suites, each suite having an internal stairway connecting the two storeys. On the upper level (fifth storey), each suite has an egress door that enters onto a public corridor served by two independent exits. On the lower level, each suite has an egress door that enters onto a public corridor (dead end) served by one exit.

Reason for Appeal

Sentence requires each suite in a floor area that contains more than one suite to have an egress door into a public corridor. Sentence requires both the uppermost storey and the lowest storey of a dwelling unit containing more than one storey to have an egress door located not more than 1.5 m above or below its floor level. Sentence requires every floor area intended for occupancy to be served by at least two exits.

Appellant’s Position

The appellant contends that Sentence states if a dwelling unit has a second and separate means of egress, one means of egress from a dwelling unit is permitted to pass through an interior corridor served by a single exit. The Code does not specify whether the interior corridor must be within the dwelling unit or could be a public corridor.

Building Official's Position

The Building Official contends that each level (storey) of the residential suite must have an egress door that enters onto a public corridor, and that each public corridor must be served by two exits.

Appeal Board Decision #1597

As the floor areas contain only dwelling units complying with Sentence, they are exempt from the requirements of Sentence In addition, as the dwelling units comply with the requirements of Sentence, they are exempt from the requirements of Sentences and

 Therefore it is the determination of the Board that this design for egress from these two level dwelling units comply with the requirements of the Code.

George Humphrey, Chair