BCAB #1473 - Major Occupancy Classification, Meeting & Training Rooms, Sentence

Last updated on March 24, 2016

October 21, 1998

BCAB #1473

Re: Major Occupancy Classification, Meeting & Training Rooms, Sentence

Project Description

The project in question is an addition to an existing two storey Group D office building. The ground floor of the addition contains a large meeting/training room which, when combined with the existing uses, makes most of the ground floor a Group A Division 2 occupancy.

Reason for Appeal

Sentence states that "... every building or part thereof shall be classified according to its major occupancy as belonging to one of the Groups or Divisions described in Table 3.1.2.A."

Appellant's Position

The existing building was classified as Group D and the various Group A Division 2 occupancies on the main floor were considered as subsidiary to the Group D major occupancy. The appellant contends that the addition shouldn't change this classification as the new meeting/training room is used in the same manner as the existing meeting/training rooms.

Building Official's Position

The Group A Division 2 occupancy on the main floor was about 21% of the floor area of the original building. Considering this area and use relative to the overall operation the assembly use was considered as subsidiary to the Group D major occupancy of the building. When the addition is complete the assembly use will occupy about 74% of the main floor. Also, unlike the existing meeting rooms, fitness centre and lunch room which are used by staff in the building, the new meeting room will be used by staff not employed in the building. As a result, the building official considers the new meeting/training room to be a separate major occupancy which needs to be separated from the remainder of the building by a 1 hr fire separation in conformance with Table 3.1.3.A. With this separation of major occupancies the main floor would not be reclassified to Group A Division 2.

Appeal Board Decision #1473

The Board considers, for this specific project, the first storey will contain a separate principle use, namely corporate staff training, not directly related to the administrative offices on the second floor. Therefore, it is the determination of the Board that the first storey will be a Group A Division 2 major occupancy.

George R. Humphrey, Chair