BCAB #1294 - Single Family Dwelling - Stairs, Handrails, Guards, Flashing and Caulking

Last updated on March 24, 2016

October 22, 1992

BCAB #1294

Re: Single Family Dwelling - Stairs, Handrails, Guards, Flashing and Caulking

Project Description

The project in question is a new single family dwelling.

Reason for Appeal

The building official has noted a number of items which he considers do not meet building code requirements. Due to an unusual set of circumstances he has initiated an appeal in an effort to gain compliance with the code.

Building Official's Position

The building official has noted the following items which he contends do not meet code requirements:

  1. The main interior stairs do not conform to Clauses & (c) because the run of the tapered treads is neither uniform nor within the minimum dimensions required.

  2. The handrail for this same stair is only 31" high and the code in Article requires at least 31.5" (800 mm).

  3. The handrail for the main interior stair has several newel posts which break the continuity of the handrail in contravention of Article

  4. Article stipulates guards cannot facilitate climbing in the area from 100 mm (4") to 900 mm (351/2") above the floor. The top of the bottom rail of the exterior sun deck guardrail is 71/2 inches above the deck floor.

  5. No flashing has been installed above exterior door and window openings in contravention to Article

  6. Caulking has not be provided at vertical joints between siding and window and door frames and between different types of exterior finish as required by Article

Contractor's Position

The contractor refutes the building official's contention of code violations and offers the following for the Board's consideration:

  1. Photographs of a tape measure against the handrail indicate a height of 32".

  2. Article allows newel posts at changes of direction in a stair.

  3. The bottom of the bottom rail of the sun deck guard is 4" above the deck to allow snow removal and this has always been permitted in the past.

  4. The doors and windows directly under the roof line are not flashed but the rest are caulked as necessary.

  5. Vertical joints between different materials have been caulked.

Appeal Board Decision #1294

The Board reviewed the six items considered by the building official not to meet the requirements of the 1985 B.C. Building Code and has reached the following determinations:

  1. The photographs of the stairs seem to indicate tapered treads that do not meet the requirements of Clauses & (c) but because actual dimensions were not available, the Board can only confirm that tapered treads must conform to all requirements of Sentence

  2. The photograph of the tape measure against the handrail indicates the top of the handrail is very close to the minimum required 800 mm but the measurement appears to be taken at a point below a line drawn through the outside of the nosing. Once again the Board can only confirm that a handrail must be a minimum of 800 mm (31.5") above a line drawn through the outside of the nosing.

  3. The photographs show newel posts which clearly form obstructions that break a handhold in contravention of Article The Board notes that Article does not apply to single family dwellings.

  4. The bottom rail of the sun deck guardrail does not conform to Article because it facilitates climbing in the area between 100 mm and 900 mm above the floor. The top edge of the bottom rail is more than 100 mm above the floor.

  5. The Board cannot rule on whether or not all the windows or doors require head flashing but they must comply with Article or, both of which exempt flashing in certain circumstances.

  6. As in item 5. above the Board cannot rule on whether all the required caulking has been installed but caulking is required in conformance with Subsection 9.28.4.

George R. Humphrey, Chair