Assisted Living Registry

Last updated on April 28, 2022

The Assisted Living Registry issues registrations to residences and regulates operators who provide hospitality services and assisted living services to more than two people.

What We Do

Under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act (the Act), the role of the Assisted Living Registrar is to register residences, to monitor their operations, and to work with operators/registrant to ensure that they protect the health and safety of residents to who they provide services.  It is also the Registrar’s role to take action, if needed, in circumstances where the registrant is not protecting health and safety. 

The Assisted Living Registry, on behalf of the Registrar:

  • Assess applications
  • Answer questions, provide information and education
  • Monitor operators for compliance with the Act and the Assisted Living Regulation
  • Investigate complaints related to the health or safety of a resident
  • Investigate whether an unregistered assisted living residence is being operated
  • Publish information about assisted living residences including:
    • Those that are registered
    • Those that are operating unlawfully
    • Information about *substantiated complaints; and
    • Inspection or investigation findings

* Substantiated complaint means an allegation that has been investigated by the Assisted Living Registry and has been determined to be true. This means the residence is non-compliant with the CCALA or the regulation.

How We Work

The following principles guide the registrar`s and registry staff’s conduct and operations:

  • Protect and promote the health, safety and well-being of residents
  • Investigate complaints using an incremental, remedial approach; and
  • Ensure fairness, transparency, accountability and administrative fairness in its administrative practices

Administrative fairness refers to the principle that those affected by a decision should be informed and consulted in a meaningful way and have their point of view listened to and considered.

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