Letter 25-1: Written Notification to the Third Party and the Commissioner

Publication date: July 25, 2017
  • Section 25 Written Notification to the Third Party and the Commissioner, prepared in accordance with Schedule 2 of the FOIPPA Regulation.


Third party’s name and address

Re: Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Public Interest Disclosure

Dear [third party’s name]:

[name of public body] has disclosed information that relates to you in compliance with the requirements of section 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ("Act"), which requires a public body to disclose, without delay, information:

(a) about a risk of significant harm to the environment or to the health or safety of the public or a group of people, or

(b) the disclosure of which is, for any other reason, clearly in the public interest.

The information disclosed is [describe the information].

The information was disclosed [describe when and how the information was disclosed].

The information was disclosed to [tick the appropriate box and provide the information in the brackets unless doing so could reasonably be expected to threaten, or result in immediate and grave harm to the safety or mental or physical health of a person under section 19 of the Act, or unreasonably invade the personal privacy of a third party under section 22 of the Act]

☐  the public.

☐  an affected group [describe the affected group].

☐  an applicant [identify the applicant].

The reason for disclosure of the information is [explain the reason for which the information was disclosed].

The decision to disclose this information was made by [name, job title].

Should you have any questions about the disclosure of this information, please contact [name, job title, contact information].


[name, job title]

cc: Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner

Chief Records Officer [ministry public bodies only]