Wildlife Tree & Coarse Woody Debris Guidance & Policies

Last updated on May 26, 2023

Wildlife Tree Guidance

Wildlife trees  are one of the most valuable components of stand-level biodiversity. Direction regarding wildlife tree management began in 1985 with the policy, Protection of Wildlife Trees. Significant operational experience and research knowledge has been gained since then.

Coarse Woody Debris Policies

Coarse woody debris (CWD) is an important component of forest biodiversity and ecosystem processes. To reduce the administrative and economic burden on the forest industry, and to create environmental standards, a strategy for coarse woody debris management has been developed after extensive consultation with the forest industry and provincial government staff.

This document provides guidance for managing coarse woody debris on Crown forest land in British Columbia. The guidance is intended to inform resource professionals and is not binding on licensees or practitioners. It does not constitute legal advice.

*Note that this guidance document does not apply to parks and protected areas; however, it can be used to help develop CWD objectives with details determined through discussion with your local BC Parks contacts.

Contact information

For more information, contact a Wildlife Tree Committee Representative.