Business Walk Step 4: Report Out

Last updated on August 6, 2020

An important step is taking time after Business Walks to analyze the information gathered to identify common themes for action.

Create a simple report of highlights of the walk and add graphs that provide information at a glance. You can report out on:

  • Information describing the number and kind of businesses contacted
  • Issues and opportunities raised
  • Possible solutions
  • Recommendations for the Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) action plan

The post walk report template is a useful tool to help you summarize the information collected during the Business Walks.

The goal is to apply the information from the Business Walks to the BRE action plan. This will allow the business community to see that their input is being applied and help ensure your action plan focuses on the up-to-date issues and opportunities your businesses are facing.

Examples of Business Walks Reports: