Community Economic Development Information Package

Last updated on April 24, 2024

How quickly can your community respond to an investment enquiry?

Communities should be prepared to respond to all prospective investor inquiries within a short timeframe. Given the competitive environment we operate in and the desire for immediate information, many prospective business investors will expect a response within days of the enquiry. 

It is helpful for your community to have an economic development information package available that can be quickly customized to address the needs of the specific business investment. This package provides the prospective investor with the information required to assist in evaluating your community and making the investment decision. Many of these materials may have already been developed, such as the community profile, and can be easily collected to form your basic community information package. 

The information package is also useful when hosting an investor and can be further tailored and customized to meet the specific needs of the visit. The materials should be packaged in a professional, organized and visually appealing manner and provided to the investor upon arrival. While it is helpful to review and reference hard copies of the materials during the visit, it is important to provide the information in an electronic format as well. 

This content checklist is a useful tool to find out what should be included in your Community’s Economic Development Information Package.

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