Guidelines and Resources

Last updated on June 12, 2024

Sewerage System Standard Practice Manual (SPM) V3

The Sewerage System Standard Practice Manual (SPM), Version 3 is the main reference source for B.C. wastewater practitioners responsible for planning, installing and maintaining onsite sewage systems, pursuant to the Sewerage System Regulation and Public Health Act.

FAQs and Errata, November 2015 (PDF, 125KB) provides answers to common questions that arose during the 2014-15 roll-out workshops on the SPM V3. It also includes a summary of errata (typos and link errors) in the manual.

Provincial Composting Toilet and Greywater Manual

The Manual of Composting Toilet and Greywater Practice (PDF, 2MB) is for those who wish to consider cost-effective, ecofriendly alternatives to conventional onsite sewerage systems.

The manual provides a comprehensive set of provisions that support the design, installation and maintenance of composting toilet-based sewerage systems, and aligns with the Sewerage System Regulation, Environmental Management Act, Municipal Wastewater Regulation, and BC Building Code. It follows a similar format to the Sewerage System Standard Practice Manual (Version 3).

Health Information: Grey Water Re-use (PDF, 409KB)

Resources for Authorized Persons and Health Officers

Health Hazards: Responsibilities of Authorized Persons. This guideline is intended for Authorized Persons filing sewerage system letters of certification pursuant to section 9 of the Sewerage System Regulation. 

Health Hazard Communication Guideline (PDF, 406KB)

Sewerage System Policy for Setback from Wells Based on Repairs or Alterations (PDF, 53KB

Resources for Homeowners

Here is a list of publications on topics related to onsite sewage systems:

Authorized Persons under the Sewerage System Regulation (PDF)

How to Find a Septic Tank (PDF, 3.5 MB)

Sewerage System Regulation Amendments (PDF)

HealthLinkBC: Maintenance and Operation of Onsite Sewage Systems

Sewage Systems and Flooding (PDF, 330KB)