K-12 Funding – Indigenous Education

Last updated on July 2, 2024

Interim for 2024/25 School Year.

Date came into force or revised

Issued September 1, 2002.  Revised and in effect September 1, 2024.



Policy statement

The Ministry of Education and Child Care provides enhanced funding to school age students who self-identify as being of Indigenous ancestry for culturally-appropriate educational programs and services to support the success of school age Indigenous students.

Rationale or purpose of policy

This policy is in addition to other policies to support improved outcomes and attendance of Indigenous students. Other components include Local Education Agreements, Indigenous Education Councils, and the Framework for Enhancing Student Learning.

Each board is required to have an Indigenous Education Council (IEC) independent of the board. Part of an IECs role is to advise the board on providing comprehensive and equitable educational programs and services to Indigenous students and improve Indigenous student achievement.


Section 106.3 of the School Act (PDF) describes how the operating grant to boards is calculated. Sections 106.4 and 117(1)(f) of the Act provide the legal authority for targeted grants.

School Act sections 87.001, 87.002, 166.4 (2.1), set out requirements for IECs. Section 87.002 describes that the IEC will approve the board’s plan and spending for the grant and the board’s report if any.

Policy in full

Targeted Indigenous Education Funding

Indigenous Education Targeted Funding (IETF) is provided to boards of education as a targeted spending portion of the operating funds to support school-age students who self-identify as being of Indigenous ancestry participating in Indigenous education programs and services. These funds are to be spent on the provision of enhanced Indigenous education programs and services that are in addition to any other programs and services to which the student is eligible. The amount is in addition to the basic per-pupil allocation.

Students qualifying for Indigenous education funding will be funded as per the current year's operating grant manual.

The board must seek the input and advice, and secure the approval, of the Indigenous Education Council (IEC) on the board’s IETF spending plan and reporting if any. The minimum amount of IETF spending is set by the Ministry. A board may choose to allocate more core funding to provide supplemental supports for Indigenous programs and services and this should be done in collaboration with the IEC. The board may only implement the IETF plan with IEC approval. For clarity, the IEC does not have a formal decision-making role on the board’s budget.

The delivery of Indigenous Education programs and services funded through the IETF must be documented, including the consultation and approval of the IEC.

IETF must not be used to replace other funded programs such as Inclusive Education or English Language Learning for the delivery of the provincial curriculum (including courses such as BC First Nations Studies 12, English 12 First Peoples or the delivery of any other course leading to graduation).

Where a school district has prior year unspent IETF, the planning, spending and reporting of those surplus funds need to be approved by the IEC in accordance with Ministry direction.


Indigenous ancestry is determined on a voluntary basis through self-identification. School districts report students of Indigenous ancestry using Box 16 according to Form 1701 Instructions.

Programs and services provided to individual students must be documented in accordance with the 1701 instructions.