Ministry of Attorney General public inquiries

Last updated on June 2, 2023

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Under the Public Inquiry Act, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may issue an order establishing a commission to inquire into and report on a matter of public interest. The Lieutenant Governor in Council may also enter into agreements to establish a joint commission with another government or an Indigenous organization. 

The Province can also participate in and provide BC-specific information and context for national inquiries led by the Government of Canada.

National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls was established by the federal government in September 2016. The National Inquiry’s purpose is to examine and report on systemic causes of violence experienced by Indigenous women and girls and their greater vulnerability to violence. Systemic factors that may be considered by the commission include issues related to child welfare practices, policing, health, education and the justice and public safety sector. Each of the provinces and territories established its own commission of inquiry, with the same mandate and commissioners as the federal commission of inquiry, to participate in the National Inquiry. The British Columbia Commission of Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and girls was established in November 2016. The commission has until April 30, 2019 to deliver its final report, and operations must conclude by June 2019. The National Inquiry is conducted under the federal Inquiries Act, the British Columbia Public Inquiry Act and the respective public inquiry legislation of the other provinces and territories in Canada.

National Inquiry Updates

B.C. committed to fully participating in the inquiry, and has provided relevant files and records, as requested and as appropriate to B.C.’s jurisdiction; participated as observers in community, institutional and expert hearings; and supported information-sharing and referral to families through the BC Family Information Liaison Unit.

B.C. prepared a written submission for the commission, which provides comprehensive, B.C.-specific information related to the commission’s mandate to inform the commission’s final report and recommendations. B.C.’s submission is published below, as well as on the inquiry website.

B.C. looks forward to receiving the final report from the commission to provide additional information and insight regarding missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, and will work closely with Indigenous communities and partners to develop a ‘path forward’ on ending violence against Indigenous women and girls that is meaningful for BC.

Missing Women Commission of Inquiry

The Missing Women Commission of Inquiry considered the police investigations into women reported missing from the Downtown Eastside as well as a decision to stay charges against Robert W. Pickton for the assault of a sex trade worker. The inquiry was conducted under the Public Inquiry Act.

Commission of Inquiry Updates

Forsaken: The Report of the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry – November 22, 2012

The entire report  is also available in a format compatible with most e-book readers and tablet computers (epub file type).

Vancouver Riot Review

The Riot Review was an independent examination of the riot that occurred at the 2011 Stanley Cup finals in Vancouver. It made 53 recommendations to improve the safety of civic celebrations in that city.

The Braidwood Commissions of Inquiry

The Braidwood Commissions examined the death of Robert Dziekanski. The first commission reported on the use of conducted energy weapons while the second commission provided Robert Dziekanski’s family and the public with a complete record of the circumstances of his death. The inquiry was conducted under the Public Inquiry Act.

The Davies Commission of Inquiry into the Death of Frank Paul

The Davies Commission was established to provide Frank Paul’s family and the public with a record of the circumstances relating to his death, and to recommended changes to rules, policies and procedures, if necessary. The inquiry was conducted under the Public Inquiry Act.