Quittin' Time smoking cessation services

Last updated on February 7, 2024

Access Quittin’ Time smoking cessation services if you're an employee of the BC Public Service or another organization covered under the BC Public Service benefits plan. Family members and dependants are also eligible.

You can find the motivation to quit smoking from unexpected sources, such as a loved one, a new pet, a co-worker or a close group of longstanding friends.

It may be all about the health benefits for you, or it may be about saving money. Whatever your reason, register for any, or all, of these completely confidential services designed to help you and your family members quit.

On this page

Live chat on the Quittin' Time mobile website

Accessible from your mobile phone, mobile device or computer, the Quittin' Time interactive website provides instant access to a quit coach by live chat.

The site requires no installation or login.

Quittin' Time by phone: telephone counselling

Talk to experienced, professional counsellors who can help you build a personalized quit plan.

Support is available 24/7. 

To find out more about the program, call us, even if you're not sure you're ready to quit.

Signing up gives you access to a series of 7 counselling calls. Register as many times as you want.

  • Phone: 1-877-455-2233

Quittin' Time for vaping cessation

Research suggests that emissions from vaping devices, while less dangerous than tobacco smoke, could be harmful to the user as well as nearby non-users.

Quittin' Time offers vaping cessation support through live chat and phone support, start the conversation today! 

Products to stop smoking

Through the Smoking Cessation Program, B.C. residents are entitled to receive up to 12 weeks of free nicotine gum, lozenges or patches (nicotine replacement therapy [NRT]) per calendar year.

Extended health: smoking cessation product reimbursement

As an employee of the BC Public Service, you can be reimbursed for stop-smoking products in addition to the free 12-week supply that's available to all residents of British Columbia.

If you enrol in the Quittin' Time telephone counselling program or access the live chat feature on the Quittin' Time mobile site, further products are available through the extended health plan.

You'll be sent a registration confirmation after you've developed a quit plan with a Quittin' Time counsellor by phone or connected with a live-chat coach.

Send the extended health benefits provider the registration confirmation along with your receipts to get reimbursed:

Eligible products

  • Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products: nicotine gum, patches and lozenges
  • Eligible prescription drugs, such as Champix and Zyban

Reimbursement conditions

  • You can be reimbursed for up to a maximum of $300 per calendar year to a lifetime maximum of $1,000
  • Your products or prescriptions must be purchased within 6 months of registering
  • You need to register every 6 months if you plan to continue making product purchases.
    • For example, if you register and purchase products in April and need more products in December, you must register again in December
  • Reimbursement is subject to the normal plan rules, such as the annual deductible and applicable health benefit plan percentage limits
  • Products purchased beyond your 12-week per calendar year free supply of gum, lozenges or patches are eligible for partial reimbursement of 80%

How to receive reimbursement

  • You must be eligible for benefits to receive reimbursement
  • Send the extended health benefit provider a copy of your registration confirmation form that you receive after you connect with a phone counsellor or live-chat coach. Include your receipts for the smoking cessation products

Support a quitter

If you have a family member, co-worker or employee who is trying to quit, you may want to:

  • Ask if and how you can help. Quitting smoking is a personal decision, and some smokers may want to remain private. Don't assume that you know the right thing to do
  • Monitor potential workplace stressors. Be mindful that workplace time pressures/unexpected demands can be triggers for smoking relapse. Where possible, monitor these potential stressors for employees who are in the quitting process
  • Talk about Quittin' Time at a staff meeting. Make sure people understand the importance of supporting those trying to quit
  • Support them. Offer to go for a walk or take a break
  • Cut them some slack. Quitting smoking is a difficult thing to do. Allow them to not be on the top of their game for a while

For more information about available support resources and services related to personal, family and health issues, review Employee and Family Assistance Services.