Managing your health

There are a lot of choices that you can make to maintain or improve the physical and mental health of you and your family. Learn about the programs and services that the Province of British Columbia provides to assist you in staying healthy and making healthy choices.

Services and information topics


B.C. has one of the most comprehensive immunization programs in Canada.

Respiratory illnesses

Protect yourself and your community from viral respiratory illnesses like COVID-19 and flu.

Child Behaviour & Development

Major development “milestones” help determine whether children are developing at a typical rate.

Physical Activity

Physical activity is defined by the World Health Organization as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure; this includes movements like crawling, walking, running, or lifting.

Health Gateway

Health Gateway provides secure and convenient access to your health records. Anyone 12 years or older can use it.

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is a pattern of eating that contributes to the best possible health through positive relationships with food and diverse, balanced food choices that meet a person’s needs for nutrients and energy.

Injury Prevention

Injuries occur in British Columbia every day: a senior falls, a person is hurt in a car crash, and a child has a sports injury. Some injuries heal, while others may lead to permanent disability and death.  While incidents that cause injury may seem inevitable and random, most injuries are predictable and preventable.

Mental Health & Substance Use

One in five British Columbians will be affected by a mental health and/or substance use problem this year. This could be our neighbours, our co-workers, our dearest friends, our parents, our children, and ourselves.

Reproductive and family health

Pregnant people and children have unique health needs that require a special focus. Healthy choices before and during pregnancy, and choices that support healthy childhood development are the foundation of lifelong health and well-being of individuals and families.

Incapacity planning

Representation agreements and enduring powers of attorney are two types of legal documents which allow individuals to plan for the possibility of future incapability.

Sexually Transmitted and Blood Borne Infections

People come into contact with bacteria and viruses at all stages of life. Preventing infections and reducing harm is of primary importance.