Northeast Region Wildlife

Last updated on July 11, 2018

Webpage last updated: May 2, 2018

The Northeast Region encompasses the Fort Nelson Natural Resource District and Peace Natural Resource District.

This section contains reports, maps and best management practices for wildlife and wildlife habitat in the Northeast Region. Please refer to the Resources section in the right column for links to other useful webpages and documents.


Regional Best Management Practices for Industry


Regional Best Management Practices for Local Government


Boreal Caribou

  • Boreal Caribou Guidance (PDF)
  • GIS Shapefiles: Are available on the DataBC website
  • The BC Research and Effectiveness Monitoring Board (REMB) has conducted research on boreal caribou since 2012. Research includes population monitoring, predator monitoring, habitat use, habitat restoration, and a number of other topics. Reports and data produced through this research are available at the BC Oil and Gas Research and Innovation Society.







Wildlife Survey Videos


What we Learn from Wildlife Surveys

How we Count Moose


Moose in the Peace Region