Maintenance Fund

Last updated on January 31, 2025

Emergency funding for facility repair, replacement or relocation

The ChildCareBC Maintenance Fund helps licensed child care facilities in emergency circumstances, defined as sudden and unexpected conditions that directly impact children’s health and safety or may result in immediate facility closure.

The fund is available to assist licensed providers with the costs of addressing necessary repairs or replacing eligible items that are unrelated to routine or regular service. The fund may also help with expenses from relocation costs, if the relocation is required for compliance under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act.



Eligible applicants

Eligible applicants include:

  1. Not-for-profit licensed child care providers, including:
  2. For-profit licensed child care providers, including:
    • limited companies
    • incorporated companies
    • sole proprietors
    • partnerships

Eligible applicants are required to:

  1. hold a current valid Community Care and Assisted Living Act facility licence and operate a licensed Group Child Care, Multi-Age, School Age on School Grounds, or Preschool, or operate a licensed Family Child Care or In- Home Multi-Age Child Care
  2. be in compliance with the Community Care and Assisted Living Act and the Child Care Licensing Regulation
  3. be in receipt of Child Care Operating Funding*
  4. be enrolled or commit to applying for enrolment in the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative* for all eligible care categories for the current contract term, and adhere to all requirements including fee caps
  5. be in good standing with the ministry
  6. be in good standing with BC Corporate Registry (if applicable)
  7. have not acquired the requested expenses or relocated prior to approval of an Application. In the case of fire or flood, where purchase is required prior to approval, please notify the ministry at immediately with information about the nature of your emergency. Please note: this notification is not a guarantee of funding approval.

*$10 a Day ChildCareBC Sites and licensed Aboriginal Head Start facilities are exempt from these requirements.


Ineligible applicants

Ineligible child care arrangements include:

Please note: relocation support is not available to licensed personal residence providers, regardless of the licence type and circumstance.


Once you have determined your eligibility, select the appropriate Maintenance Fund stream below to begin the application process:

Additional information


Terms and Conditions

Please review the full Terms and Conditions.


Application submission

Once an application is complete, with all mandatory documents submitted, it is placed in the queue to be processed in date order, using the date when it is completed. Incomplete applications are not placed in processing queue.

Additionally, an application is not a guarantee of funding. If the application is incomplete or the required documentation is missing, the review process may be delayed, or the application may be found ineligible.

Funding is subject to availability within the fiscal year.

Contact information

Please contact the Child Care Capital and Community Services Branch for more information.

PO Box 9788 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria BC V8W 9S5