Emergency plan assessment tools

Last updated on February 21, 2024

These tools assess your current capacity, structures, and identify hazards and risks to help reduce the potential consequences of an emergency.

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Hazard, risk, and vulnerability analysis

The Hazard, risk, and vulnerability analysis (HRVA) is a process to identify hazards that may cause an emergency, and the potential consequences. Understanding this helps a community establish priorities, plans and strategies to prevent or reduce the risk.

Evaluating risk is a mandate in Section 2(1) of the Local Authority Emergency Management Regulation. This applies to those defined as a local authority (such as a local fire department, government, or Regional District).

An HRVA report is comprehensive and takes time and resources to develop. Because of the complexity we created a free, online HRVA tool. Information about your community and the surrounding areas is entered. The tool then produces a report that compiles the data to inform emergency planning. The HRVA tool can be used online (see below for details) or offline, by visiting the document library and downloading the forms.

Online HRVA tool

The online HRVA tool is available to Indigenous communities and Local Authority representatives who have a Business BCeID account.

There are some steps you must complete to gain access to the HRVA tool. Visit the first time login page for details.

Online HRVA tool

Offline HRVA documents

The HRVA tool is available as a series of documents for anyone to use. These are in the HRVA document library.

Critical infrastructure assessment

Critical infrastructure (CI) refers to services and assets that are essential to residents during an emergency.

Assessing your critical infrastructure will:

  • Identify and analyze vulnerable goods, services, and local assets
  • Identify ways to increase robustness and decrease redundancies
  • Develop recommendations for CI during every stage of emergency management

Indigenous Nations and local governments can use the CI Assessment tool to complete an analysis of their infrastructure.

These resources help individuals invited to participate in the assessment and the champion (the selected lead for the assessment) through the process.

Critical infrastructure assessment resources

Assessment workshop resources

CI Assessment Kick-Off Meeting (PPTX)

PowerPoint presentation created to help guide the kick-off meeting

CI Assessment Follow-Up Meeting (PPTX)

PowerPoint presentation created to help guide the follow-up meeting

Training Video 1 – Basic Concepts (MP4, 8:56)

Transcript – Training Video 1 – Basic Concepts (PDF)

An introduction to CI and the CI assessment process

Training Video 2 – Process Overview (MP4, 19:40)

Transcript – Training Video 2 – Process Overview (PDF)

An overview of the CI assessment process and how to use the tool

Training Video 3 – Next Steps (MP4, 8:58)

Transcript – Training Video 3 – Process Overview (PDF)

Describes how the CI assessment data will be used

Posters (PDF)

Optional visual aid for the workshops

Templates and examples

CI Assessment Summary Report (DOCX)

CI Assessment Summary Report - Example (PDF)

Template summary report

CI Assessment Recommendations (DOCX)

CI Assessment Recommendations – Example (PDF)

Template recommendations

Kick-Off Meeting Invitation (DOCX)

Template email

Homework Email (DOCX)

Template email

Follow-Up Meeting Invitation (DOCX)

Template email