Digital Elevation Model

Last updated on February 9, 2024

The digital elevation model (DEM) of British Columbia is a three-dimensional representation of the province’s terrain. DEMs are derived from height or elevation data.

Product Details

The DEM products are available at 1:250,000 scale.

Click on the expandable buttons below to view the specifications of each product and how to acquire each product.

TRIM Tile Locator

Identify which TRIM tile map sheet you require:




This product is a regularly gridded digital elevation model data set for the Province of British Columbia, derived from breaklines, areas and mass points. The grid spacing is 25 metres and is created from the 1:20 000 scale Terrain Resource Information Management (TRIM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM).  It is distributed by 1:250k mapsheet and can be purchased through the Base Map Online Store.

How to Acquire

TRIM based USGS format DEMs can be ordered from the Base Map Online Store by selecting the "Gridded DEM (25m resolution) (NTS)" product or opened in Google Earth:

Index grid 1:250,000
Pixel size 25.0 metres
Format USGS
Compression none
Projection UTM

Gridded CDED format DEM

The gridded DEM map tiles of B.C. are at a 1:250,000 scale with additional slope, aspect and hillshade data, based on the Terrain Resource Information Management (TRIM) 1:20,000 DEM. This data is the TRIM DEM converted to the Canadian Digital Elevation Data (CDED) format which is available from the BC Geographic Data Catalogue.  Click on the Explore button to download the required letterblock. The data consists of an ordered array of ground or reflective surface elevations, recorded in metres, at regularly spaced intervals. The spacing of the grid points is .75 arc seconds north/south. The data was converted into 1:50,000 grids for distribution. The scale of this modified data is 1:250,000 which was captured from the original source data which was at a scale of 1:20,000. For the CDED format specification see the documentation available at:

How to Acquire

Gridded CDED format DEMs can be downloaded free using this link

  Index grid

NTS 1:250,000

  Pixel size

25.0 metres









TRIM USGS format DEM (25 m detailed resolution)


Gridded CDED format DEM (25 m coarse resolution)

Base Map Online Store

It is recommended that users understand the Base Map Online Store instructions and policies before making an order.


Gridded DEM map sheets of B.C. are produced by GeoBC.