Glossary of Terms

Last updated on March 21, 2017

Bracketed terms represent the field name.


Area of the geomark in hectares.

Placemark KML

KML text that specifies geometry or geometries of a geomark.

Bounding Box (W, S, E, N) (boundingBox)

The western, southern, eastern, and northern extent of the geomark displayed in geographic coordinates. Western and eastern extent are displayed as decimal degrees of longitude. Northern and southern extent are displayed as decimal degrees of latitude.

Buffer Cap (bufferCap)

The style of buffer to use at each end of a buffered line (e.g., round, square, flat).

Buffer Join (bufferJoin)

The style of buffer to use for joins between the line segments for lines and polygons (e.g., round, mitre,bevel).

Buffer Mitre Limit (bufferMitreLimit)

The number of line segments used in each quadrant to approximate the curve for round end-cap and join styles. Must be a positive number.

Buffer Width (bufferMetres)

The amount to buffer the geometry (in metres). Must be a positive integer (e.g., 10). If left blank, no buffer will be added to input geometries and points and lines will stay points and lines. If a buffer is specified, point and line inputs will become polygons.

Centroid(lat,lon) (centroid)

The latitude and longitude of a point at or near the centre of a geomark or, if the centre is outside the polygon, some point guaranteed to be inside the polygon.

Creation Date (creationDate)

The date geomark was created.

Expiry Date (expiryDate)

The date a geomark expires. Once expired, it will no longer be accessible. If a geomark is in use by a government application, it will never expire until it is no longer required by that application.

ID (geomarkId)

A unique, immutable, and meaningless identifier assigned to the geomark.

Geometry Count (geometryCount)

The number of geometries in the geomark. If you select One, the first geometry in a feature, feature collection or geometry collection will be used. If you select Many, all geometries of the selected geometry type will be used. Multiple geometries, buffered or not, can’t overlap. (1mm tolerance)

Geometry Type (geometryType)

Type of input geometry. Valids types are Point, Line, Polygon, Any.

Is Geometry Robust (isRobust)

A geometry that has a minimum clearance of less than one millimetre is not robust. Minimum clearance is the shortest distance between any two points or between a line and a point in the geometry. A geometry that is not robust will self-intersect when loaded into a spatial data store or application. For more info, see Interchange of Spatial Data – Inhibiting Factors (PDF)

Is Geometry Simple (isSimple)

A simple geometry is closed and doesn’t self-intersect or have self-tangent points. For more info, see the Simple Feature Access - Part 2: SQL Option

Is Geometry Valid (isValid)

A geometry is valid if it meets the validity conditions for the given geometry type. For example, a linear ring must be simple. A polygon must consist of one outer boundary and zero or more inner boundaries, all of which must be simple. All inner boundaries must be contained within the outer boundary without touching. For more info, see ST_IsValid - PostGIS

Length (length)

Length of the geomark in kilometers.

Vertex Count (numVertices)

Number of vertices in all polygon boundaries of the geomark. A polygon without holes has a single, outer boundary, a polygon with one hole has one outer boundary and one inner boundary.

Validation Error (validationError)

Detailed validation error message if geometry is not valid; blank otherwise.

View in (viewIn)

Mapping tool to display Geomark in Google Maps or Google Earth.