Data Distribution Services

Last updated on February 9, 2024

B.C. Government data can be downloaded for local use.

Data Distribution services include direct download of packaged content (meaning you get the data exactly as it is provided) and configurable content (meaning you have control over things like the output projection and the file format).  In either case, once the data is downloaded you will have a static dataset and may need to repeat the download process as the data changes within B.C. government systems.   You can use your BCeID to access secure content.

When downloading configurable content, you will be asked for your email address.  This is required as the system will need to extract the data from the B.C. Geographic Warehouse, clip the data if requested, reproject the data, and export it into the requested file format.  This process may take considerable time depending on the data ordered and the system backlog, so the system asks for your email and releases the server connection so you can keep working.  The system will email you initially to inform you that the order was received, then again once the order is ready.  The B.C. Government does not share your email information between systems, except where it relates to the data you have downloaded and the Data Distribution services.

Data can currently be downloaded from the following applications:

 B.C. Data Catalogue

  • packaged content and configurable spatial and tabular content from the BC Geographic Warehouse.

iMapBC Public and Secure

  • configurable spatial content from the BC Geographic Warehouse.